A B-52H Stratofortress assigned to the 5th Bomb Wing, prepares to take-off at Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota, July 14, 2021. Strategic bomber missions enhance the readiness and training necessary to respond to any potential crisis or challenge across the globe. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Jesse Jenny)

Team Minot News

News Search

  • Why WIC: linking families to nutrition

    She sat in the doctor’s office, 26 weeks pregnant with her second child. Time seemed to stand still as the doctor walked in and gave her a diagnosis she never expected: cancer.

  • Providing individuals protective equipment

    The individual protective equipment element supervises and performs operations involving storage, inspection, identification and receipt of property for IPE. (U.S. Air Force photos by Airman 1st Class Alyssa M. Akers)

  • Crews control

    The sun peaks over the horizon to reveal the icy minefield known as the flight line. Airmen are bundled from head to toe in thermal underwear, thick coveralls, gloves and multiple headgear, but these comforting layers don’t keep them from getting the job done.

  • Minot AFB hosts annual Thanksgiving Day of Love

    The 48th annual Thanksgiving Day of Love for Minot Air Force Base and the community was celebrated Nov. 23 where approximately 190 seniors were escorted to the Jimmy Doolittle Center for a Thanksgiving meal served by Minot AFB Airmen.

  • Snow control

    Last winter, Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota, received a record-breaking 52 inches of snow.Although this amount doesn’t fall every year, Team Minot stays ready through the Minot AFB Snow and Ice Control Plan approved by base leadership.

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