Chaplain Corps

While serving as a visible reminder of the Holy, the Minot Air Force Base Chaplain Corps staff provides spiritual care and the opportunity for Air Force members and their families to exercise their constitutional right to freedom of religion. "Glorifying God, Serving Airmen and Pursuing Excellence" are words that provide a "job description" for chaplains and chaplain assistants serving around the globe and they point the way ahead for the Chaplain Corps Strategic Planning. The base Chaplain Corps serves the men and women of both the 5th Bomb Wing and 91st Missile Wing.


Ch, Lt. Col. Ron Feeser
Wing Chaplain
United Methodist Church
Ch, Maj. Mario Rosario
Deputy Chaplain
Roman Catholic
Ch, Capt. Jared Parker
Ch, Capt Terach Antoine
Liberty Baptist Fellowship
Ch, Lt. Joseph Lee
Liberty Baptist Fellowship


Laura Heizer
Catholic Parish Coordinator

Sarah Weidman
Protestant Religious Education Coordinator

Religious Affairs

MSgt Erin Boyd

TSgt Nathan Chandler
NCOIC Chapel Program Support

SSgt Sarah Hutson
Religious Affairs

SrA O'Leesa James
Religious Affairs

A1C Keoliani Tran Copas
Religious Affairs


Contact a Chaplain

Duty Hours: 701-723-2456
(DSN): 453-2456.
Chaplain On-Call (Emergency): 701-509-4230

Protestant Programs

Chapel Community Groups:

1st Wednesdays of the month: 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.

Other Wednesdays 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Protestant Schedule

Protestant Worship Schedule

1030 a.m. - Sunday Community Service NPC
(Holy Communion 1st Sunday)
Children's church during school year

Catholic Programs

Religious Education
Wednesdays 6 - 7 p.m. at North Plains Chapel Basement
Preschool - 8th grade

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
Call the Chapel Staff for Details, 701-723-2456.

Catholic Women's Group
Call the Chapel Staff for Details, 701-723-2456.

Baptism Preparation
By Appointment with Pastoral Coordinator

Marriage Preparation
Sacramental preparation completed on an individual basis. To schedule an appointment contact the Catholic Parish Coordinator

Catholic Schedule

Catholic Worship Schedule

Mass Schedule:

(Northern Lights Chapel across from Rockers)

Daily Mass - 12 p.m. Monday-Thursday (NLC)

Sunday - 10 a.m. at NLC

Reconciliation is 30 minutes before weekend Mass or upon request.

Where to Worship

Northern Lights Chapel: (NLC)
230 Missile Ave, Minot AFB, ND 58705

North Plains Chapel: (NPC)
290 Peacekeeper Pl, Minot AFB, ND 58705


Please contact the Chapel a minimum of 3 months prior for Protestant and 6 months prior for Catholic to begin pre-marital counseling.

Wicca/Pagan/Neo Pagan

Open Circle
1st and 3rd Saturdays
10:00 a.m. (NLC)

Norse pagan 2nd and 4th Saturday 10 a.m. (NPC)