April 5, 2022 Air Force’s new intercontinental ballistic missile system has a name: Sentinel Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall approved the designation for the system that modernizes the ICBM leg of the Nation’s nuclear triad.
March 6, 2020 SecAF Visits Team Minot Secretary of the Air Force Barbara Barrett, accompanied by Air Force Global Strike leadership, connected with Airmen and families from the 5th Bomb Wing and 91st Missile Wing during her visit to Minot Air Force Base, March 5, 2020.
March 28, 2018 Air Force implements Housing Early Assistance Tool to ease relocation process The Air Force is scheduled to implement a web-based tool that will enable military members and their families to connect with installation housing offices to inquire about housing options at their upcoming duty assignment.
Oct. 14, 2016 AF issues implementation guidance for transgender Airmen Air Force officials released transgender implementation guidance Oct. 7 addressing specific procedures for transitioning and requesting an official change in gender as well as associated guidance in areas ranging from medical and privacy issues to deployments, fitness standards, and dress and