Change in Seasons Calls for a Change in Safety Awareness

  • Published
  • Minot Family Housing
Known for pumpkin pie and crisp nights, fall is undoubtedly a favorite season among many.
With lower temperatures, longer nights, and flu-season right around the corner, a change in season calls for a change in safety awareness. Below are tips to fight the flu and keep our community safe so everyone can enjoy a festive autumn.

Cold and flu season generally lasts between October and May. Follow these healthy habits to avoid obtaining the unpleasant symptoms associated with the cold and flu:

· Avoid contact with people exhibiting flu-like symptoms. If you are the germy culprit experiencing symptoms, do yourself and those around you a favor, rest up and keep to yourself until symptoms are gone.
· Can't help the coughs and sneezes? Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue and wash your hands regularly to keep the germs at bay. Use disinfectant to clean contaminated surfaces.
· Give your immune system the support it needs by sleeping well and checking your stress at the door. Seven to nine hours of sleep every night is suggested to maintain a healthy schedule. Physical activity and a diet complete with healthy foods and plenty of fluids have been known to boost the immune system.

Car and School Bus Safety is also a topic of importance. Colder morning temperatures can create fog and frost for morning drivers. Be sure to add a few extra minutes to your schedule in the morning to ensure all windows are clear before driving. In addition to fog and frost, fall brings with it bright sunsets and longer nights. To combat sun glare, keep a pair of sunglasses in your car.

During darker hours, keep a close eye out for pedestrians and be sure to maintain headlights that are not automatic. Now that the kiddos are back in class, it is important for everyone to familiarize themselves with school bus safety. To view the housing guidelines for school bus safety as well as other helpful safety tips, visit our safety page at: Children, parents, and drivers can all benefit from reviewing these guidelines.

Heater Preparation is another topic of importance. Rather than wait until the weather requires the use of a heater, now is the perfect time to test your heater to make sure that it is working properly. If you are concerned about the effectiveness of your heating system, please contact the Balfour Beatty Communities Maintenance Department directly at 727-9312.

At Balfour Beatty Communities, we wish all of our residents a healthy, safe fall. Be on the lookout for autumn LifeWorks activities by checking our website for upcoming events: