Summertime grilling: Safely enjoying food and fun in the outdoors

MINOT AIR FORCE BASE, N.D. -- Grilling, one of the easiest, low-fat cooking methods, can be a centerpiece for summertime meals. It is a great way to spend time with family and friends in an enjoyable outdoor setting. 

While the art of grilling may come with practice, follow these pointers to enjoy a successful and safe grilling experience. 

Bring out the Barbecue - Grills need a thorough cleaning after a long winter storage. Start by scouring the grate with a wire brush. Spray the grid with oven cleaner and rinse thoroughly. Before each use, apply non-stick cooking spray to prevent food from sticking to the grill. 

Stock up on Charcoal - Quality charcoal briquettes light quickly and have a long burn life. Be sure to store charcoal in a cool, dry area. For instant-lighting charcoal, keep the bag tightly closed to prevent lighter fluid from evaporating. If using a gas grill, check the tank to make sure there is enough fuel to completely cook the meal. 

Use Proper Tools - Tongs and a spatula help to turn food without piercing it, keeping in the food's natural juices. A vegetable grilling basket holds smaller foods. Other useful utensils include a wire brush for cleaning, long-handled tongs and flame retardant mitts to protect hands. 

Get Ready to Grill - Arrange briquettes in a pyramid at the bottom of the grill. Add approximately two ounces of lighter fluid and carefully light with a match.
Charcoal should be ready in about 20 minutes, once it is 70 percent covered with ash and displaying a slight red glow. To estimate the temperature, hold a hand, palm side down, about six inches above the coals. 

· two seconds - it's hot, about 375 F or more
· three seconds - it's medium-hot, about 350 to 375 F
· four seconds - it's medium, about 300 to 350 F
· five seconds - it's low, about 200 to 300 F 

When coals are ready for cooking, spread in a single layer or bank them. Set the grilling grid in place and put on the food. 

Food Safety - Food safety should be a high priority while grilling. If food is handled or cooked improperly, health risks can dampen the experience. Use these food safety suggestions:
Keep meat cold until ready to grill. Do not leave it out at room temperature.

Pre-cooked meats can still be grilled to add authentic flavor and shorten grilling time.

If starting with frozen products, thaw in the refrigerator or microwave. Grill immediately after thawing in the microwave.

Do not use the same platter or utensils to handle raw and cooked products.

Use a meat thermometer to check internal temperatures. Ground meat should be 160 degrees F, poultry at 180 F, poultry breasts at 170 F, pork at 160 F, and steaks at 145 F.

Once taken from the grill, keep the meat hot until serving in a warming tray or slow cooker.

Place leftovers in the refrigerator. Discard anything left out more than two hours. If outdoors and the temperature is above 80 F, refrigerate leftovers within one hour, or discard them. 

Grilling Safety Tips 

Pick a safe area - Position the grill in a well-ventilated, flat, level surface away from overhangs, deck railings and shrubbery. Keep children and pets away from the grill when in use.

Handle charcoal carefully - Never add lighter fluid directly to hot coals since flames could travel up the fluid stream. Instead, place several new briquettes in a metal can and apply lighter fluid. Transfer the briquettes into the pyramid in the grill with pair of long-handled tongs and light with a match. Use proper utensils for safe handling of food and coals.

Putting out the fire - Place the cover on the grill, close the vents and allow the coals to burn out completely. Let ashes cool for at least 48 hours, and dispose in a non-combustible container. When using a gas grill, remember to allow it to completely cool before placing the cover over it. 

More Grilling Tips
Before placing food on grilling surface, preheat the grill. Remove charred food debris to reduce exposure to possible cancer-causing substances formed during high-heat cooking.

Avoid fire flare-ups by using lean meats and trimming away all visible fat. Raise the rack to the highest position away from the heat and keep food on one side of the grill and coals or other heat source on the other side.

Marinades enhance flavors, tenderize and keep foods moist. If the plan is to use the remaining marinade later as a table sauce, it must be boiled for at least three minutes to eliminate bacteria.

Try grilling vegetables and fruits: eggplant, summer squashes, bell peppers, sweet onions, Roma or cherry tomatoes, mushrooms, mangoes, pineapple or peaches. Cut vegetables into half-inch slices or large chunks. Brush with warmed, seasoned oil. Turn only once, and grill until tender. Fruit should be halved with pits removed. Grill with the pulp (cut side) side down.
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