Kickin' it turbo style

MINOT AIR FORCE BASE, N.D. -- Loud, upbeat and popular dance music plays for an hour straight. People are throwing punches and kicks as if they were getting attacked. Hitting the ground with their hands one second and springing into the air the next, these participants are moving fast enough to make anyone believe they were the Energizer Bunny®.

Such movements might seem sort of erratic and crazy, yet these actions are more choreographed and graceful than anything else.

This isn't a scene out of a fighting movie, or even a music video for that matter. This is what one would see and experience while participating in the Turbo Kickboxing class taught at the McAdoo Sports and Fitness Center here.

Air Force Global Strike Command Airmen and their families have the opportunity to take such a class twice a week, whether it is to meet a new work out partner, to achieve a serious fitness goal or for a break in their normal routine.

"Turbo kickboxing is a cardio kickboxing exercise program that focuses on cardiovascular improvement as well as muscle strength and endurance gains," said Sharon Brown, a certified turbo kickboxing instructor at the McAdoo Sports and Fitness Center. "It is different from regular kickboxing because it incorporates dance choreography with kickboxing moves to upbeat music."

Ms. Brown, who just recently gave birth to her third child, credits the class for helping her to lose the baby weight.

"It is said by the programs creator that people can burn anywhere from 500 to 1,000 calories in one hour," she said. "It all depends on how hard each individual works."

According to Ms. Brown, beginners usually have the hardest time with the choreography.

"Although the choreography is hard for beginners, that all changes when the class is attended on a regular basis," said Ms. Brown. "People tend to pick up on the cues and know what to expect, which allows them to work harder and get more out of the workout. For the regulars attending, the hardest part is focusing on technique."

While many might feel like this is a class for one type of person, Ms. Brown begs to differ.

"People of all sizes, ages and fitness levels attend this class," she said. "It is designed to accommodate all levels of fitness so one gains the most from what is put into the workout."

For those who feel intimidated by participating in this class for the first time, Ms. Brown offers some helpful advice.

"Don't get turned off by the choreography," she exclaimed. "It is intimidating at first, but beginners will definitely see improvements the more often they come to the class, and in turn will get a better workout. Some beginners also fear not being able to keep up, but that is not the focus for group exercise. The class has a format that the instructor teaches, but the participants can take it at any level."

So if going to the gym and doing the same old thing is getting a little monotonous, why not try out the turbo kickboxing class?

"There are so many benefits," said Ms. Brown. "Fitness and health improvements as well as personal relationships that are formed within the participants of the class are the most beneficial. This class has helped myself and many other people reach weight loss and fitness goals without the expense of gym fees or hiring a personal trainer."

Cheri Charboneau, a personal trainer and group fitness director at the fitness center here, agrees with Ms. Brown in that the class has a lot to offer for those looking for something different.

"I really enjoy turbo kickboxing because there are so many layers to the choreography," she said. "Participants can keep the class low impact or they can intensify the work by performing plyometrics. Instructors have the ability to teach the class a little bit each time so that each week, another layer of choreography can be added to keep it fun and entertaining."

For more information, stop by the fitness center for a class schedule for the month of April.

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