Chief Wieser Commentary: Does Your Video Match Your Audio? Published May 20, 2021 By Chief Master Sgt. Timothy Wieser Minot Air Force Base Public Affairs MINOT AIR FORCE BASE, N.D. -- Serving this great Air Force the past 22 years, it never ceases to amaze me how cool and awesome are the new things one learns from the individuals we serve with. About three months ago, I attended a week-long leadership seminar at the University of North Carolina where a fellow classmate said something that stuck with me; “We need to make sure our video matches our audio.” Wow, what a statement. It proves extremely true if you inspire to be an authentic leader. Many individuals in leadership positions need to take this to heart. The spiritual leader who led India to independence, Mahatma Gandhi, said, “An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching.” Leadership erodes very quickly when a person with a certain position doesn’t’ “walk the walk” from the talk they present. However, over the past seven months, I have come across some true authentic great leaders. These are their stories. The first week of May, our wonderful Force Support Squadron held a 5K on a Friday morning at 0600. As I walked into the fitness center, I noticed about 25 Airmen ready to run. This was a larger number than I expected, since it was 27 degrees and first outdoor run of the year. As I talked with the OIC of the Flight and asked what she thought of this, her enthusiasm and leadership qualities were above reproach and she understood the meaning of staying physically fit, because it is part of our lifestyle and profession. Her video matches her audio. Later, as I was doing my monthly dorm walkthrough, I stopped by the Chaplain’s office adjoining one of our dorms. We talked for 20 minutes about how our Airmen are doing and their thoughts and concerns. The Chaplain informed me he talks with a few hundred Airmen weekly. Wow. Having a spiritual person embedded in our dorms is a huge win for America’s sons and daughters. His awesomeness and caring is why we have the best Chaplain team in the Air Force. His video matches his audio. Working with our outstanding Minot Enlisted Airman’s Council is the best part of my job. They accelerate change at the highest level and the team’s innovation is at an apex. The council works closely with and advocates for the Airmen of this base. They developed a sponsorship/onboarding checklist for Airmen, by Airmen, making sure the wing’s 2,160 Airmen and Guardians are treated like high-ranking individuals when they arrive. The executive team inspires from the heart and are years ahead of their rank when it comes to transformational leadership. Their video matches their audio. Our wing just completed a grueling two-week nuclear surety inspection. With two years of grit, grind, and tough perseverance through a punishing environment, the “Warbirds” rocked it. The very substance of your sacrifice for this base’s mission -- the blood, sweat, tears and total tenacity you exemplify every day -- is unmatched. You are the sole reason I continue to serve and I am humbled and gracious to work with you ever single day. THANK YOU 5th Bomb Wing Military, Civilians, Contractors and family members; your video matches your audio. “ONLY THE BEST COME NORTH”