5 CES Airmen participated in the Wing IG ATSO Prime BEEF Exercise. Published Oct. 28, 2020 By Airman First Class Jan K Valle 5 CES MINOT AIR FORCE BASE N.D. -- The primary contingency responsibilities for Engineering Assistants (EA) in a wartime environment is all about airfield recovery and resuming aircraft operations after an attack. When an attack happens, the EAs must plot all of the damage that is located on the airfield using software and/or a hard copy map. Once they have all of the damage plotted they must develop 3 MOS (Minimum Operating Strip) candidates to present to the Wing Commander to decide on a course of action. When developing a MOS there are a multitude of factors that are taken into consideration such as repair times, back taxi operations, and sortie generation capability. With a MOS selected by the Wing Commander, the Civil Engineering Airfield Damage Repair Team can then recover the airfield and get aircraft back into the fight.