91st Missile Wing awarded the 2019 Omaha Trophy for the ICBM category Published Oct. 6, 2020 By 2nd Lt. Ryan Walsh 5th Bomb Wing Public Affairs MINOT AIR FORCE BASE, N.D. -- The 91st Missile Wing, through their extraordinary and exemplary support of the U.S. Strategic Command’s (USSTRATCOM) strategic deterrence mission, has been awarded the 2019 Omaha Trophy for the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) category. The Rough Riders were announced as one of five winners by U.S. Navy Adm. Charles Richard, commander of USSTRATCOM. The Omaha Trophy was first introduced by the Strategic Air Command Consultation Committee in 1971 for the U.S. Air Force’s Strategic Air Command. At its inception, it was a single trophy given to the command’s best wing. Composed of business leaders in the Omaha, Nebraska area, it became the Strategic Command Consultation Committee at the activation of USSTRATCOM in 1992. Over time the award has been expanded to five different categories including the command’s top intercontinental ballistic missile wing, ballistic missile submarine, strategic bomber wing, global operations unit and strategic aircraft wing. "It’s an honor for the 91st Missile Wing, and I’m beyond proud of the men and women that made it happen," said Col. Christopher Menuey, commander of the 91st Missile Wing. "This win is a result of the hard work, professionalism and innovative thinking it takes to generate nuclear combat capability 24/7, 365 days a year." The 91st Missile Wing showcased their superior ability to be mission ready by leading Air Force Global Strike Command with multiple Major Command level awards. Leading the way in AFGSC, the 91st Rough Riders dominated in numerous areas such as a No.1 in sortie alert rate, launch facility availability rate, maintenance execution rate and mean time to repair; showing that the Rough Riders get it done for AFGSC. Their superior performance was recognized alongside their ability to innovate and employ advanced technological solutions. Spearheading the implementation of Numbered Air Force’s first deployed 3D printed module saving the Air Force countless dollars. The 20th Air Force adopted the new solution all across their command. As members of Team Minot, the Rough Riders managed the Air Force’s largest dual-wing armory. Further embodying the innovative spirit, they employed the first TCMax automated system drastically reducing arming time for 1,500 security forces Airmen, setting the benchmark for AFGSC. Though many of the airmen stationed at Minot Air Force Base are active duty, the contribution of the reservists and Air National Guard service members cannot be understated. The 91st integrated 100 Air National Guard airmen into daily missile field operations being the only nuclear certified Air Reserve Component across the Department of Defense. In addition, the 91st deployed the first reservist in Air Force history to be on alert at a missile alert facility (MAF). The reservist from the 91st Operations Support Squadron stood watch over the ICBM’s, completing a 24-hour alert at a MAF. In a Nuclear Surety Inspections assessment, Team Minot was recognized for its superior performance as the best in AFGSC’s history with 76 Airman recognized for their efforts. Additionally, in an intensive five-day Higher Headquarter functional review, the Rough Riders were found with zero errors and were revered as the "Enterprise Standard" by their Combatant Command. Through the tenacious approach to mission readiness, unrelenting discipline and innovative spirit, the 91st won multiple AFGSC awards. These awards include the Williams Award for the "Best ICBM Wing", the Blackburn Trophy for "Best ICBM Maintenance", the McAdoo award for "Best Overall Operations Support Squadron" and the Chadwell trophy for "Most Superior Maintenance". The Rough Riders set the pace for nuclear operations within AFGSC. "The dedicated professionals working for and with USSTRATCOM allow the command to execute its operations and provide the nation with its strategic deterrent against threats in all domains," said U.S. Navy Adm. Charles Richard. "Without the men and women of USSTRATCOM, actively performing the deterrence mission every day, we could not deter potential adversaries and guarantee the freedoms our nation holds dear." The dedication showcased by the 91st day in and day out is not possible without an equally dedicated local community like the City of Minot. Fostering strong bonds with the Minot community is of the utmost importance to the 91st. It is this appreciation of their community partners that led to earning the Barksdale Trophy, an award given every two years for outstanding community support, to the City of Minot. Growing strong partnerships extend to the global community as well. The 91st acts as the Air Force’s emissary to the Bangladesh military, supporting international communication on important issues such as peace and security. This global outreach strengthens allied partnerships and enhances international relations. The leaders and airmen of the 91st Missile Wing, through their steadfast dedication to maintaining mission readiness and innovation, proved themselves to be well deserving of the 2019 Omaha Trophy. As the motto goes, they are "Poised for Peace" and defending the nation with a combat-ready nuclear force. The men and women of the 91st embody the spirit of "Only The Best Come North." BULLY!