North Dakota DOH releases Amended Confinement Order Published April 10, 2020 By North Dakota Department of Health MINOT AIR FORCE BASE, N.D. -- The North Dakota Department of Health recently released an Amended Confinement Order for all individuals traveling back to North Dakota from international locations and states in the U.S. Those individuals must quarantine immediately upon reentry to the state of North Dakota and for a period of 14 days, or for the duration of the person's presence in North Dakota; whichever period is shorter. Exemptions: Essential critical infrastructure workers, as defined by the United States Department of Homeland Security. People commuting to and from north dakota for work or for essential supplies and services. People engaging in outdoor activities (e.g., walking, hiking, running, biking, driving for pleasure, hunting, or fishing), and going to available public parks or other public recreation lands, so long as they remain at least six feet apart from individuals from other households. Affected individuals are encouraged to fill out the travel form to receive information on how to monitor for symptoms. If you have symptoms and wish to seek medical care, please call before you go in. Requirements: You are required to remain under quarantine for the length of time specified in SECTION A and at the location specified in SECTION C. While under quarantine, you must take precautions, as directed by healthcare staff and Department of Health personnel, to prevent the possible spread of 2019 nCoV/COVID-19. You must cooperate with the efforts of state or local health authorities to contact other exposed people to prevent the possible spread of 2019-nCoV/COVID-19. This includes providing information regarding people you have had contact with, places you visited or traveled to, and your medical history. Only immediate household members are allowed to be at the place of quarantine. No other individuals are allowed at the place of quarantine unless approved by the North Dakota Department of Health. You are only authorized to leave quarantine for reasons approved by the Department of Health. Prior to leaving quarantine for an approved reason, such as a: physician appointment, you must coordinate your plan with the state or local health authority. If you, or any immediate household members at the place of quarantine, have any symptoms suggestive of 2019-nCoV/COVID-19 you must contact the state or local health department immediately. Symptoms may include fever, cough, shortness of breath, body aches, headache, chills, or sore throat.I If you, or any immediate household members at the place of quarantine, become ill or are diagnosed with 2019-nCoV/COVID-19, it is necessary for the North Dakota Department of Health to investigate and trace any persons who may have been in contact with you while you were infectious with 2019-nCoV/COVID-19. You are required to cooperate with this investigation and provide complete and true information to the investigator. This includes providing information regarding people you had contact with, places you visited or traveled to, and your medical history. Failure to Adhere A person is guilty of a class B misdemeanor if that person fails to cooperate with this order to quarantine, which could result in 30 days imprisonment and/or up to $1500 fine. North Dakota Century Code 23-07.6-02(3). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For the Official Confinement Order click here. Information obtained from: