The 91st Missile Wing, through their extraordinary and exemplary support of the U.S. 
Strategic Command’s (USSTRATCOM) strategic deterrence mission, has been awarded the 
2019 Omaha Trophy for the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) category.

Team Minot Photos

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Nine millimeter and 5.56 cartridges sit on top of an AF Form 1314 Firearms Registration form and a DD Form 2760 Qualification to Possess Firearms or Ammunitions form at Minot Air Force Base, N.D., July 10, 2015. According to Staff Sgt. Justin McCoy, 5th Security Forces Squadron assistant NCO in charge of armory operations, if you reside in base housing, you are authorized by the installation commander to keep your personally owned weapons in your home, provided you register them with the 5th SFS Armory. (U.S. Air Force photo/Airman 1st Class Justin T. Armstrong)

Privately Owned Weapons on Base

Nine millimeter and 5.56 cartridges sit on top of an AF Form 1314 Firearms Registration form and a DD Form 2760 Qualification to Possess Firearms or Ammunitions form at Minot Air Force Base, N.D., July 10, 2015. According to Staff Sgt. Justin McCoy, 5th Security Forces Squadron assistant NCO in charge of armory operations, if you reside in base housing, you are authorized by the installation commander to keep your personally owned weapons in your home, provided you register them with the 5th SFS Armory. (U.S. Air Force photo/Airman 1st Class Justin T. Armstrong)

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