The 91st Missile Wing, through their extraordinary and exemplary support of the U.S. 
Strategic Command’s (USSTRATCOM) strategic deterrence mission, has been awarded the 
2019 Omaha Trophy for the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) category.

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During Northern Neighbors Day all shuttles will pick up at their scheduled points, drop off between Docks 9 and 10, and then proceed back to original pick up locations. Shuttles will arrive approximately every 10 minutes. The base housing shuttle will pick people up at Dakota Elementary School, Memorial Middle School and North Plains Elementary School. The civilian shuttle will pick up people up at the Northern Tier Credit Union and the field by Base Exchange.

NND shuttle map

During Northern Neighbors Day all shuttles will pick up at their scheduled points, drop off between Docks 9 and 10, and then proceed back to original pick up locations. Shuttles will arrive approximately every 10 minutes. The base housing shuttle will pick people up at Dakota Elementary School, Memorial Middle School and North Plains Elementary School. The civilian shuttle will pick up people up at the Northern Tier Credit Union and the field by Base Exchange.

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Base Exchange.

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