The 91st Missile Wing, through their extraordinary and exemplary support of the U.S. 
Strategic Command’s (USSTRATCOM) strategic deterrence mission, has been awarded the 
2019 Omaha Trophy for the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) category.

Team Minot Photos

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The 5th Bomb Wing participated in an exercise recently to evaluate and validate the 5th BW's flying operations capability. By training in any type of weather, the Warbirds of Minot show they can provide full-spectrum deterrence and outstanding support for the 91st Missile Wing; and if deterrence fails, B-52 firepower on demand. By launching BUFFs in the harsh winters of North Dakota, it only proves our proud, confident and professional Airmen truly take ownership of mission accomplishment. (U.S. Air Force photo/ Tech. Sgt. Aaron Allmon)

Warbirds OWN IT during surge ops

The 5th Bomb Wing participated in an exercise recently to evaluate and validate the 5th BW's flying operations capability. By training in any type of weather, the Warbirds of Minot show they can provide full-spectrum deterrence and outstanding support for the 91st Missile Wing; and if deterrence fails, B-52 firepower on demand. By launching BUFFs in the harsh winters of North Dakota, it only proves our proud, confident and professional Airmen truly take ownership of mission accomplishment. (U.S. Air Force photo/ Tech. Sgt. Aaron Allmon)

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